proptosis measurement

Chronic proptosis. In mild cases of proptosis, a doctor can take measurements with a special ruler known as an exophthalmometer. If your proptosis has a serious underlying cause, it can almost always be treated, or at least monitored for now. Online ahead of print. Composite responder rate [ Time Frame: At week 6 and week 12 ] Composite responder rate.

Philadelphia: WB.

  Proptosis can result in the bulging out of one eye (unilateral) or both eyes (bilateral). Proposing a surgical algorithm for graduated orbital decompression in patients with Graves' orbitopathy. Proptosis is defined as an abnormal protrusion of eyeball.

Proptosis measurements for patients.

Symptoms are many and include tachycardia, fatigue, weight loss, nervousness, and tremor.

Hertel mirror exophthalmometers are used to measure the degree of protrusion of the eyeball.

This site needs JavaScript to work properly. The inferior fornix depth, Hertel exophthalmometry measurement, clinical activity score, and lower lid position were the . Eric A, Asamoa AO, Ayanlere AO, Ademola AO, Adekeye EO.

Proptosis refers to the forward displacement of the eyeball beyond the orbital margin with the patient looking straight ahead. The reference line for measurement of proptosis is the interzygomatic line (a line is drawn at the anterior portions of the zygomatic bones): the distance from this line to the posterior sclera is normally 9.9 +/- 1.7 mm 2; the distance from this line to the anterior surface of the globe should be <23 mm 4 The mean normal protrusion values were 16.5 mm in white men, 18.5 mm in black men, 15.4 mm in white women, and 17.8 mm in black women.

As computerised tomography is now accepted as a method of choice for the investigation of suspected orbital masses, measurement of the degree of proptosis (exophthalmos) should be useful in assessing response to therapy.

The instrument is placed on the lateral orbital rim of each side, using as small of a base as possible. Clinical response. Measure proptosis with one scale/ Hertel's b. Repeat while patient is asked to perform Valsalva c. Put one scale on nasal bridge for Horizontal Diplopia d. Take two scales for Vertical Diplopia. [Last accessed on 2011 Apr 15].

The Hertel exophthalmometer measures the anterior projection of the eye, from the lateral orbital rim to the cornea . Proptosis is the anterior displacement of one or both eye globes within the bony orbit. A study conducted by Kirsch et al.

Proptosis is a bulging or protruding of one or both of your eyeballs. J Comput Assist Tomogr 2000;24:493-6. Careers.

Step 1: Measurement of Proptosis. 6.
C, Scalp fat measurement (arrow) of 3.4 mm in patient with Graves ophthalmopathy was smallest scalp fat measurement in any

Torsten BM, Emil R. MRI: Head and neck - Orbit. ere are various types of devices . Shen S, Fong KS, Wong HB, Looi A, Chan LL, Rootman J,, Hertel-index; interzygomatic line; magnetic resonance imaging; ocular globe, Indian Journal of Ophthalmology.

Bead Target: a. EOM (if limitation then ductions should be performed) b.

The evaluation of proptosis is essential for the diagnosis of orbital disease. ( Log Out / 

We used the Hertel exophthalmometer to measure the degree of protrusion in 681 adults, ranging in age from 18 to 91 years. Bagheri A, Shahraki K, Arabi A, Kashkouli MB. Exophthalmos (also called exophthalmia or proptosis) is a bulging of the eye anteriorly out of the orbit.Exophthalmos can be either bilateral (as is often seen in Graves' disease) or unilateral (as is often seen in an orbital tumor).Measurement of the degree of exophthalmos is performed using an exophthalmometer.

eCollection 2021 Jul-Sep. Stähr K, Daser A, Oeverhaus M, Hussain T, Lang S, Eckstein A, Mattheis S. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol.

The scale to measure the proptosis ranges : Fastest, easiest and least expensive method for measuring exophthalmos. ( Log Out / 

Proptosis Balasubramanian Thiagarajan Otolaryngology online Definition Proptosis is defined as abnormal protrusion of eye ball If protrusion of globe is 18 mm / less it is known as proptosis If protrusion of globe is more than 18 mm it is known as exophthalmos Proptosis + lid lag = exopthalmos Otolaryngology online Exorbitism This is caused due to decrease in the volume .

There was a statistically significant reduction . Adebayo ET, Ajike SO, Adebola A. Maxillofacial sarcomas in Nigeria.

The haematological profile of urban black Africans aged 15-64 years in the Cape Peninsula. Another resource suggests that the terms exophthalmos and proptosis can be used to describe eyes appearing to bulge out of the face due to an increase in the volume of the tissue behind the eyes. For an individual patient the measurement base is the distance between the two temporal orbital rim margins. It can be classified into three types, including relative proptosis (comparison between the right eye and left eye), comparative proptosis (compared with earlier measurements in the same eye) and absolute proptosis (compared with ''normal" values in the . Otolaryngology online. We used the Hertel exophthalmometer to measure the degree of protrusion in 681 adults, ranging in age from 18 to 91 years.


The Hertel exophthalmometer is used to determine the axial position of the eyes. Owing to the rigid bony structure of the orbit with only anterior opening for expansion, any increase in orbital contents taking place from the side or from behind will displace the eyeball forward.

measure of absolute proptosis.

Methodology: The study was conducted within 6 months spanning November 29, 2011-May 28, 2012, at the Department of Radiology, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria. Mehrad H, Jean-Antonie CP, David G. Diagnosis and management of enophthalmos. A. Create a free website or blog at Proptosis can be the result from varies disease processes including infections, inflammations, Tumours, trauma, metastases, endocrine lesions, vascular lesion, orbital – extra orbital osseous lesions.

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Plane of the scan or axial sections must be parallel to the plane passing through the optic nerve head and lens. Detorakis ET, Drakonaki EE, Papadaki E, Tsilimbaris MK, Pallikaris IG.

Proptosis is a measurement of the antero-posterior position of the globe in the orbit relative to the orbital rim.

Hertel measurements.

Paediatric tumours of the jaws in Northern Nigeria. PowerPoint Oculoplasty. 2021 Sep;14(3):174-182. doi: 10.1177/1943387520954625.

Second rid lag

Thirty-four orbits with proptosis and 30 orbits without proptosis (normal group) were included in the study. Design: Cohort study.

Ann Afr Med 2005;4:23-30.

[Orbital measurements in Zairian children. Share with your friends ! Additional Notes: Length 00:36.

Normative measurements of the ocular globe position in relation to interzygomatic line, using magnetic resonance imaging among adults in Zaria, Nigeria A measurement of 18 mm or greater usually indicates proptosis. Methods: In a prospective randomized study of orbital radiotherapy for Graves' ophthalmopathy, measurements of proptosis were made on the same visit by an endocrinologist and an ophthalmologist using the Krahn exophthalmometer and by a technician using orbital computed tomography . Naugle exophthalmometer measures the difference in proptosis between the two eyes rather than absolute measure with the Hertel method. The original description in 1905 by Emil Hertel of a device to measure proptosis had only two mirrors; it was actually never made because it was difficult to see the scales which measure the position of the cornea. Clin Ophthalmol.


Secondary endpoints at week 24 were the proportion of patients with improved diplopia (≥1 Bahn-Gorman grade), an overall response (reduction of ≥2 mm in proptosis and reduction of ≥2 points in CAS), mean change from baseline in proptosis measurement in the study eye, mean change from baseline in Graves' ophthalmopathy quality of life . The reference line for measurement of proptosis is the interzygomatic line (a line is drawn at the anterior portions of the zygomatic bones): the distance from this line to the posterior sclera is normally 9.9 +/- 1.7 mm.

Superior rectus muscle inflammation may induce venous obstruction. An exophthalmometer is an instrument used for measuring the degree of forward displacement of the eye in exophthalmos.The device allows measurement of the forward distance of the lateral orbital rim to the front of the cornea.

Measurement of the degree of exophthalmos is performed using an exophthalmometer.

Causes of proptosis in children are different from that in adults. Results: The normal ranges for the orbital measurements are as follows (mean ± standard deviation): The normal position of the posterior pole of the right globe was 6.34 ± 0.99 mm from IZL (ranged 5.40-7.33) while that of the left globe was 6.56 ± 0.93 mm (ranged 5.63-7.50).

Loiudice P, Pellegrini M, Marinò M, Mazzi B, Ionni I, Covello G, Figus M, Nardi M, Casini G. Eye Vis (Lond). Hudson HL, Levin L, Feldon SE. The mean normal protrusion values wer … Ozgen A, Ariyurek M. Normative measurements of orbital structures using CT. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1998;170:1093-6. The Investigation of Proptosis-Clinical Medicine.

1). Proptosis measurement was done by simple/plastic ruler exophthalmometry, and diagnosis was made after a detailed clinical examination and ancillary tests. Second rid lag The measurement can be performed on CT or MRI and the patient should have the eyes fixed looking straight ahead (Fig.

Change ).

to a space occupying lesion in the orbit [1]. To verify clinical usefulness and reliability, the degree of proptosis was measured in 126 patients with Graves' orbitopathy (GO) with 3D reconstruction software and compared with .

Most sources define exophthalmos/proptosis as a protrusion of the globe greater than 18 mm. Joshua Oluwafemi Aiyekomogbon1, Nuhu D Chom2, A Umdagas Hamidu2, AL Rafindadi3, Philip Oluleke Ibinaiye2, Joseph Bako Igashi2 Inner canthal, outer orbital, inter-pupillary distances and proptosis]. The patient's right eye of this patient is proptotic, or anteriorly displaced.

2012 Jan-Feb;28(1):54-6. doi: 10.1097/IOP.0b013e3182392f05.

Luedde exophthalmometer fixes on lateral orbital wall and uses a .

The evaluation of proptosis is essential for the diagnosis of orbital disease. exophthalmos. Lee JS, Lim DW, Lee SH, Oum BS, Kim HJ, Lee HJ.

Acta Ophthalmol 2008;86:356-64.

The 327 white and 354 black subjects had no history of orbital or endocrine disease, severe myopia (more than -7 diopters), or buphthalmos. 1.1. Measurement of exophthalmos, visual and color acuities, pupillary function, extraocular motilities, and visual fields should be obtained. The term exophthalmos is often used when describing proptosis associated with Graves' disease. Exophthalmos caused by excessive fat: CT volumetric analysis and differential diagnosis. Proptosis is defined as an abnormal protrusion of eyeball. Clinical evaluation of a case of proptosis. 2021 Jul 21. doi: 10.1007/s00405-021-07003-0. 2021; 69(8): 2099, � West African Journal of Radiology | Published by Wolters Kluwer -. the distance from this line to the anterior surface of the globe should be <23 mm.

A measurement of 18 mm or greater usually indicates proptosis. Normative measurements of Korean orbital structures revealed by computerized tomography. Normal Exophthalmometry Values in Iranian Population: A Meta-analysis. Other measurements includes thickness of recti, the superior rectus muscle group (comprising of superior rectus muscle and the elevator muscle of the upper eyelid) and inferior rectus muscle best measured coronal and sagittal planes.
An asymmetric proptosis was considered significant if the difference between eyes was > 2 mm , and when measurement of the non-proptotic eye produced a result of < 16 mm for female and <20 mm for males according to the previous study on Caucasian population performed by Mourits .

To investigate any correlation between lower lid retraction and proptosis and also between lower lid retraction and lamellar length, as measured by fornix depth, in patients with thyroid eye disease (TED).

Athanasiov PA, Prabhakaran VC, Selva D. Non-traumatic enophthalmos: A review.

1.2. By sighting at right angles, this device eliminates parallax and allows the clinician to measure the amount of protrusion or bulging eye from its orbit. Long-Term Monitoring.

Henry B. Burch, Rebecca S. Bahn, in Endocrinology: Adult and Pediatric (Seventh Edition), 2016 Exophthalmometry. 5,6 Proptosis is an important sign in TAO.

Normal Ocular Protrusion Values in South Indian Population and Effect of Age, Gender and Refractive Status on Ocular Protrusion.

Disclaimer, National Library of Medicine

Scale for orbital wall goes from 75 mm to 121 mm. Your ophthalmologist will prescribe medication or refer .

Ophthalmology, University of the Witwatersrand; 2000.

TED is a rare disease, which had an incidence rate of approximately 19 in 100,000 people per year in one study. In the preoperative assessment of the stable disfiguring exophthalmos in TED, the first step is to determine the extent of proptosis. What is the Proptosis Treatment?

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The advantages of the Hertel exophthal- mometer include the ability to measure both eyes simultaneously, and the measurement of the distance between lateral orbital rims.

The main symptom of proptosis is an abnormal protrusion of the eyes. At week 24 after teprotumumab therapy completion, patient had proptosis measurement of 18 mm, Gorman diplopia score of 0 and a CAS of 0. Under normal conditions this distance is roughly 18 mm, there may be individual and racial variations.

Eyelids should be open with the patient looking straight ahead without eye movements.

Proptosis, or traumatic forward displacement of the globe out of the orbit, is a serious ocular emergency that requires immediate attention to minimize discomfort and damage to the eye (Figure 1). Mean values were significantly higher in the proptosis group than . The normal amount of ocular protrusion as measured (with an exophthalmometer) from the lateral orbital rim to the corneal apex is 14-21 mm in adults; protrusion greater than 21 mm or a 2-mm change is abnormal. The change from Baseline in proptosis measurement in the study eye [ Time Frame: At week 6 and week 12 ] The change from Baseline in proptosis measurement in the study eye.

Sabharwal KK, Chouhan AL, Jain S. CT evaluation of proptosis.

Ten Tenets on Corneal Collagen Crosslinking . The horizontal diameters of the lateral and medial recti are best measured on axial plane. the distance from this line to the anterior surface of the globe should be <23 mm.

Your ophthalmologist will prescribe medication or refer . Although protrusion values above 21 mm are usually considered abnormal, we found that the upper limits of normal were 21.7 mm for white men, 24.7 mm for black men, 20.1 mm for white women, and 23.0 mm for black women. Evaluation of globe position within the orbit: Clinical and imaging correlations. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. [Last updated on 2010 Feb 25; Last accessed on 2011 Apr 10].

Diagnostic Criteria for Orbital Proptosis. Hertel measurement / Hertel exophthalmometer. 1 Department of Radiology, University of Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria2 Department of Radiology, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria, Nigeria3 Department of Ophthalmology, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria, Nigeria, Correspondence Address:Joshua Oluwafemi AiyekomogbonDepartment of Radiology, University of Abuja, Abuja NigeriaCheckDOI: 10.4103/1115-3474.187970 function RightsLinkPopUp () { var url = ""; var location = url + "?publisherName=" + encodeURI ('Medknow') + "&publication=" + encodeURI ('WAJR') + "&title=" + encodeURI ('Normative measurements of the ocular globe position in relation to interzygomatic line, using magnetic resonance imaging among adults in Zaria, Nigeria') + "&publicationDate=" + encodeURI ('Jul 1 2016 12:00AM') + "&author=" + encodeURI ('Aiyekomogbon JO, Chom ND, Hamidu A U, Rafindadi A L, Ibinaiye PO, Igashi JB') + "&contentID=" + encodeURI ('WestAfrJRadiol_2016_23_2_118_187970') + "&orderBeanReset=true"

We have developed a computed tomography (CT)-based three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction software to measure the degree of proptosis. Significantly greater values for orbital fat volume, percentage fat volume, and proptosis were found in the proptosis group compared with the control group.

1. In addition, any corneal breakdown should be assessed . Saunders; 1998. p. 30-46.

Published Online: August 10th, 2020 .

Proptosis. Measurement of dystopia: -In an eccentric or non axial proptosis, the horizontal & vertical dystopia of globe is to be measured. There was excellent correlation between proptosis and percentage fat volume, supporting . Measurement. Br J Radiol 2003;76:577-8. outcomes included clinical activity score (CAS), a measure of inflammation and composite ophthalmopathy indices including signs and symptoms of disease severity and activity.

AJR Am J Roentgenol 1986;146:459-64. How does an MRI scan differ from a CT scan?

Indian J Radiol 2006;16:683-8.

Acta Ophthalmol Scand 2001;79:197-200.

Background: To explore the accuracy of trigonometric function in proptosis measurement.

Munshi I. Exophthalmos- Overview, Differential Diagnosis, Treatment and Follow-Up. Racial Differences in Normal Values of Proptosis Eugenede Juan,Jr, MD; David P. Hurley;Joseph D. Sapira,MD \s=b\Measurement of proptosis was made with a Luedde exoph- thalmometer by one experimenter in 402 black and 325 white adults without endocrine disease or obvious orbital pathologic conditions.

Bead Target: a. EOM (if limitation then ductions should be performed) b. Owing to the rigid bony structure of the orbit with only anterior opening for expansion, any increase in orbital contents taking place from the side or from behind will displace the eyeball forward.

Aikhionbare HA, Yakabu AM, Afolayan AE.

5,9 A Hertel exophthalmometer is often used clinically to measure proptosis.

In normal eyes, the white part of the eye between the top of the iris (the colored part of the eye) and the upper eyelid is not visible. Depending on the device, lines on the prism are .

Proptosis can be the result from varies .

Measurement of ocular proptosis is essential for the diagnosis of orbital diseases such as Graves' orbitopathy (GO), orbital tumor, and orbital fracture.

An exophthalmometer is used to measure the prominence of the eye. Introduction.

Ann Trop Paediatr 1988;8:149-52.

A stronger correlation was observed between clinical and radiological measure-ments in both the proptosis group and the control group (Pearson correlation coefficient: r 0.84 and r 0.91, re-spectively;bothp<0.05).Somewhatweaker,althoughstill significant, correlations were found between digital and

Ann Afr Med 2007;6:203-6. Epub 2020 Sep 11. Patients should be monitored in intervals tailored to the degree of exophthalmos and complications arising from this ocular malady.

[1] The disorder characterized by enlargement of the extraocular muscles, fatty and connective tissue volume.

Peyster RG, Ginsberg F, Silber JH, Adler LP.

These differences were statistically significant (P less than .025). Nucci P, Brancato R, Bandello F, Alfarano R, Bianchi S. Am J Ophthalmol.

Validation of Modified Hertel Exophthalmometer. EVALUATION OF A CASE OF PROPTOSIS DR ARPITA 2. Exophthalmos is defined in Dorland's Medical Dictionary as an "abnormal protrusion of the eyeball; also labeled as proptosis." Proptosis in the same reference is defined as exophthalmos.


No individual had more than 2 mm of asymmetry between eyes. 1992 Jul;69(7):562-4. doi: 10.1097/00006324-199207000-00009. Swiss Med Wkly 2009;139:618-23. Differences in proptosis measurements before and after commencing therapy were assessed using a dependent t test, while the differences between CAS and diplopia scores at different time points .

Clinical methods for measurement of proptosis: A) PLASTIC RULER: can measure proptosis from the lateral orbital rim to the corneal apex,holding the ruler parallel to ground. In the group treated with teprotumumab, the baseline exophthalmometry measurement (mean (SD)) was 24.3 mm (2.0) for the study eye and 19.7 mm (2.8) for the fellow eye. -Horizontal dystopia :is measured by the distance from the midline of bridge of nose to the .

Aim and Objectives: This prospective study was aimed at using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to determine interzygomatic distance, distance between the anterior and posterior borders of the globes and the interzygomatic line (IZL), and then using these parameters to determine the normal position of the ocular globes within the orbits.

• PROPTOSIS is defined as forward protrusion of the eyeball • Proptosis of more than 21mm or more than 2mm asymmetry between the two eyes is abnormal • EXOPHTHALMOS is specifically used to describe the proptosis of eyes a/w Thyroid eye disease • ENOPHTHALMOS is defined as retrodisplacement of eye into orbit Average proptosis for the total cohort was 15.88 ± 2.49 mm, with 582 eyes measured. If measurements are out of the normal range, however, other tests will be conducted, possibly including an MRI, blood work, ultrasound, or even a biopsy. Treatment modality was decided based on radiological and histopathological examination reports, which included medical surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy or a combination of all. Conclusion: The results obtained from this study may help ophthalmologists, radiologists, and other clinicians to quantitatively evaluate patients with enophthalmos, exophthalmos, or other changes in the orbital morphology.

Anterior bowing of right medial orbital septum (ar­ row) is well seen.

Prevention and treatment information (HHS). The distance between anterior border of the globe (corneal apex) and IZL which is referred to as Hertel-index, distance between posterior border of the globe and IZL, and length of the IZL were measured at the level of the lens for 340 normal ocular globes of 170 patients on T1-weighted MRIs. Proptosis. The term "Exopthalmos" is reserved for bilateral proptosis or proptosis due to thyroid eye disease. Methods: It was a none-inferiority trial.

B)LUEDDE'S EXOPHTHALMOMETER: has several advantages -notch confirms to lateral orbital rim.

Measurements of proptosis and thickness of the scalp fat pad at the inion level were also performed. Purpose: To compare measurements of proptosis obtained by clinicians and computed tomography. Scalp fat measures 24 mm in patient with Cushing syndrome caused by long­ term steroid treatment. The most common exophthalmometer used is the Hertel exophthalmometer (Figure 14-1).

Michael M, Adam JC.

Exophthalmometers can also identify enophthalmos (retraction of the eye into the orbit), a sign of blow-out fracture or certain neoplasms. A similar appearance, seen in endocrine dysfunction, especially thyroid disorders, is called 'exophthalmos'. New York: Thieme Stuttgart; 2000. p. 104-7.


Exophthalmos (also called exophthalmus, exophthalmia, proptosis, or exorbitism) is a bulging of the eye anteriorly out of the orbit.Exophthalmos can be either bilateral (as is often seen in Graves' disease) or unilateral (as is often seen in an orbital tumor).Complete or partial dislocation from the orbit is also possible from trauma or swelling of surrounding tissue resulting from trauma.

1 With proptosis, the eyelid margins are trapped behind the equator of the globe and, together with profound tissue swelling in the orbit, prevent . 5,9,10 However, previous studies have found .

2,7,8 Exophthalmometry is valuable in diagnosing and treating TAO.

Proptosis 1. This proptosis measurement device determines the extent of your eye protrusion.

Br J Ophthalmol 2010;94:135-6.

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