quetzalcoatl prophecy

Without the Holy Spirit, even the elect wouldn’t stand a chance against this foe! See page 192 and the following . (Matthew 24:24). But Quetzalcoatl will return. The prophecy of the return of a Supreme Teacher or Being speaks of Quetzalcoat, known to the Maya as Kukulcan.

But since the devil cannot be in multiple places at once, his other willing servants have to settle with the indwelling of demons of a lower rank. When Kate-Zahl (Toltec name of Quetzalcoatl) left the Toltecs and sailed away to the East, he made a prophecy about the destiny of the sacred city of Tula (now known as Teotihuacan) through 2 millennia:

This may be inferred from the references to a “flying serpent” in the Bible. As sited in the previous 2nd part of the Mayan Prophecy, 'Who is Quetzalcoatl?', the Mayan long count for Dec 21, 2012 is 13.0. Found inside – Page 71THE PROPHECY OF QUETZALCOATL . 71 hand . This was the Quetzalcoatl , whom the Mexicans afterward worshipped , and whose return was so anxiously looked for by them . See Torquemada , Monarq . Ind . Third , that to him popular tradition ...

We must recognize its insidious nature and reject the false trinity in principle, lest we accept the reign of Quetzalcoatl (Satan) in our lives. Don’t allow his throne to be planted in your heart, but invite the Holy Spirit to live out the life of Christ in you, that you may give glory to the Father. There are many websites that provide dates for the lunar phases. Now all we do is walk back to the tail, counting the full moons and new moons (which are on opposite sides) until we get to the end! The precise moment of the transit occurs when the Sun, Venus, and Earth are in perfect alignment, and for this reason, we infer that underneath the Earth, there is another Venus, in addition to the two at the beginning and end of the transit path—otherwise that alignment would not be represented. STR Up vs. Divine: The Bronze Spriggan deals extra damage against Servants with the Divinity trait. Indeed, there are! Not only does this crop circle tell us the exact date of the return of Quetzalcoatl, but it also tells us when his terrible trident power would be set in place. This temple is the only of its kind in ancient America built from a single stone. 1940, Hassig, Ross. Found inside – Page 421The tradition of Quetzalcoatl's prophecy was rife among the natives of Anahuac when Cortez arrived , and it was with a kind of religious awe that Montezuma and his people heard of the arrival of the white men in their water - houses . The Last of the Siberian Unicorns: What Happened to the Beasts of Legend? Daniel Pinchbeck is an American author. As the prediction went, our solar system would align with the black hole at . Top Ten Giant Discoveries in Ancient Britain, The Man Who Stopped a Desert Using Ancient Farming, They’re Alive! Found inside – Page 80As a whole, the mural cycle is structured by the myth of Quetzalcoatl, a white, bearded god who brings civilization ... the Spanish Conquest was understood by its victims as the fulfillment of Quetzalcoatl's prophecy, and Hernán Cortés, ... Eventually, Nahuatl speakers denoted the Spaniards as Caxtilteca, or people of Castile; but that was years in the future. This is a hint that the exact date of interest is shortly after the new moon, when it is still a crescent.

Guest Servant: Medusa (Lancer) Guest Servant: Ishtar. Pope Benedict had prepared the throne, and his work being complete, he was ready to step down. The Aztec Emperor Moctezuma II believed in a prophecy. Of Yin and yang, Wikipedia says: Yin and yang can be thought of as complementary (rather than opposing) forces [like male and female] that interact to form a dynamic system in which the whole [union, with offspring] is greater than the assembled parts. But Motolinía took it a step further. It is clear that the serpent was forever changed by this curse, and what we now know as a snake, was not the same as the serpent that deceived Eve. So, don’t think we’re looking for a terrible-looking beast of power.

The serpent became a medium, and when the serpent spoke, it was not the serpent, but Satan, who spoke. As with most historical phenomena, many events fed into the Cortes-as-Quetzalcoatl legend, like tributaries into a river. The Nahua who helped Sahagún create the Florentine Codex knew the Indigenous populations of the New World were not inferior to the Europeans. In the Mayan calendar, it was indicated that a new “long count cycle” would begin on December 21, 2012. Despite how often the planets may pass each other in their orbits, though, a Venus transit is relatively rare, because it requires precise alignment. We’re the only Pop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives.

He symbolized knowledge, arts, and religion. Quetzalcoatl, who is also the Egyptian Wisdom-god Tehuti (Thoth), had cryptically promised them that he would return on 'the thirteenth instance of my magic number'. James Lockhart, Historia de la Conquista de México (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993), 63. “Aztec Civilization,” newworldencyclopedia.org. New York. The nature of the devil is no less deceptive today than when he was in the Garden of God. Dear reader, the present analysis makes the identification perfectly clear: Pope Francis IS “that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world.”[11] Quetzalcoatl has indeed returned and has ascended the throne prepared for him. Ancient Origins © 2013 - 2021Disclaimer - Terms of Publication - Privacy Policy & Cookies - Advertising Policy - Submissions - We Give Back - Contact us. Their community of Oraibi is the oldest continually inhabited settlement (about 1,000 years) in North . If so, why did Jesus ask, “Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8) No, friends, it isn’t under control. As God is seeking people who will surrender their lives completely for the indwelling of His Spirit, so also the devil has his own willing servants, who have surrendered their lives to him so that he might indwell them. “The History of Mexico”. So based on this analysis, we should have seen the return of Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent from Eden, on the crescent moon of March 13, 2013, with his power to cast fiery darts being established a month later, on April 13, 2013. This new edition of the 1971 classic by Tony Shearer is about Quetzalcoatl, the great Indian culture hero of ancient Mexico. With his newly earned Nahuatl skills, Sahagún recruited the children of Nahua elites to work with him on creating the Codex. The name Quetzalcoatl is a combination of two Nahuatl (the language of the Aztecs) words, quetzal, which is the emerald plume bird, and coatl, which means serpent.Therefore, Quetzalcoatl is commonly also known in English as the Plumed Serpent or Feathered Serpent. The multiple earths and moons represent multiple snapshots in time. That it is impossible to deceive the elect has nothing to do with our intelligence level, but it is because the elect have the Holy Spirit, who reveals the devil’s deceptions. The largest number of such prophesies have been preserved by the Hopi in Arizona. So we have two key months within the head. (John 8:44). It was not long before then, that the G2012 Summit of world leaders took place. Built around 150 AD, the Temple of the Feathered Serpent, also known as the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, was the third largest pyramid in the city. Whether or not the Quetzalcoatl prophecy was instrumental in helping Cortés conquer Mexico may never be known for certain. Windurst 10 | Behemoth's Bane. The ancient god's name has various meanings in different cultures, all derivations on "feathered serpent.". In his time, he had been a rich, powerful man, but he had been . This is illustrated in one of the animations in the video below, which reveals another fascinating aspect of Venus—its motion with respect to Earth creates a five-pointed star when a line is drawn each time the planet comes between the earth and the sun.

Curt Collier, “Border Town Blood,” p. 365, Tamra Andrews, Dictionary of Nature Myths: Legends of the Earth, Sea, and Sky, p. 156, Daniel Pinchbeck, 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, p. 2 (2006). Quetzalcoatl won this battle and presided over the second world (Four-Wind), but this sun era that also lasted 676 years) ended when hurricanes destroyed the earth. Found inside – Page 199QUETZALCOATL Aztec god who figured in a prophecy that facilitated the Spanish conquest of Mexico. In 1519, Hernán Cortés landed on the Mexican coast with a small force. Having overcome some local resistance and recruited allies from the ... Legacy of White Solar Wind. Number of Peistes summoned depends on the number of players participating in the Domain Invasion. In the summer of 1521, the Aztec capital city of Tenochtitlan fell to the Spanish.

Less than 30 years after Christopher Columbus landed on the Western Hemisphere and claimed it for Spain, another Spanish explorer, Hernán Cortés sailed across the Atlantic towards the New World in search for wealth and status. Cortés then used this uncertainty by Moctezuma II to overthrow the Aztec Empire. In our video, The Throne of the Beast, Brother John had analyzed the logo, and interpreted that at the G2012 summit, the throne of the false christ was set up and ready for Satan to come down as an angel of light, imitating the Second coming as though he were Jesus, and assume the throne. It is loosely based on the Battles of Centla (March 14, 1519) and Nautla (October 1519), during the Spanish conquest of Mexico. It was at the tree of knowledge of good and evil (the yin and yang) that the serpent proposed to Eve that she would become elevated to a higher state of existence—the product of knowing good and evil—like a god. I’m shocked. Quetzalcóatl Toltecas en Aztlán & El Congreso de Artistas Chicanos en Aztlán Guillermo Aranda, Salvador Barrajas, José Cervantes, Sammy Llamas, Bebe Llamas, Victor Ochoa, Ernest Paul, Arturo Roman, Guillermo Rosete, Mario Torero, Salvador Torres., 1973 This encyclical is entitled, “Lumen Fidei,” The Light of Faith. In traditional Aztec warfare, soldiers captured enemies for sacrifice, which was thought to be an honorable death. The Aztec arrived to the boat of Cortez on the shore with the pre-made and clearly assigned significance, and dress Cortez with ceremony. Unsure of whether or not Cortés was the god, Moctezuma II responded by greeting him with honor and giving him many gifts. In truth, 2013 was indeed the dawn of a new and bloody age—the reign of Quetzalcoatl, the old feathered serpent, the devil and Satan, Pope Francis. There is something else that is outside the head—the tongue resembling Neptune’s trident! The Aztecs foresaw the end of the world. Known as the Florentine Codex , this gargantuan work comprised 12 books that took around 45 years to compile. He then graciously handed over the keys to his empire to the bearded, white god. A striking characteristic of the crop circle is the shape of the serpent, forming an incomplete figure-eight (infinity symbol). Quetzalcoatl is the Aztec incarnation of the Feathered Serpent deity, known from several Aztec codices such as the Florentine codex, as well as from the records of the Spanish conquistadors. The following video illustrates these characteristics: Animations of Venus and Earth’s orbit, showing the five-fold symmetry. But first, let’s quickly delve into the history of the real Quetzalcoatl and his theological origins in Mesoamerica. Draws on cosmological phenomena of the modern world as well as the author's own research into shamanic and metaphysical belief systems to support the Mayan theory about an unprecedented global shift predicted for the year 2012. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Found insideprophetic history of the Aztecs with the theological logic of Christian messianism, converting Quetzalcoatl's prophecy into a harbinger of proletarian providence. As Folgarait argues, in his mural Mexican history is presented ... Yet, in this text composed by young Aztec scholars in the decades following the conquest, we see the following depiction of Montezuma preparing for Cortes’s arrival: “When Moteucçoma heard the news, he immediately sent people for the reception of Quetzalcoatl, because they thought it was him who was coming, because they were expecting him daily.”, Aztec Gods in the Florentine Codex. Despite the various roles and deeds ascribed to Quetzalcoatl in Aztec theology, he was not the most important god worshipped in Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec empire. He was the soul of the world, the creator of sky and earth, the lord of all things, both powerful and arbitrary. Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca represent the bright and dark aspects of the Creator. The appearance of the trident tongue as a flame of fire speaks of the fiery darts of the wicked one, which he will be hurtling at everyone who defies his authority. 2 (1991): 93-105. But Christians would be much more likely to consider the significance of a New Year papal election when the world was expecting big changes. This much is generally accepted history. The throne of God is represented by those belt stars, where one star represents each member of the Godhead.

The immediate question that may arise is then, “Why are there so many earths and moons?” After all, there is only one moon circling our planet, not four! This tale has become so pervasive in the modern ethos that I even learned it in my 9th grade world history class. The Mexican Earth. Here, we see that he makes it appear as though he returns from heaven like Jesus will. It was even prophesied that this would happen: The forces of the powers of darkness will unite with human agents who have given themselves unto the control of Satan, and the same scenes that were exhibited at the trial, rejection and crucifixion of Christ will be revived. While little information remains about the legends and mythology of Kukulcan – due to the tragic destruction of the Maya codices by the... Elasmotherium, also known as the Giant Rhinoceros or the Giant Siberian Unicorn, is an extinct species of rhino that lived in the Eurasian area in the Late Pliocene and Pleistocene eras. T oltec Prophecy of Return of Quetzalcoatl Quetzalcoatl was described as a white man, with a beard, who wore long robes, and who gave a message of love, forbidding the blood sacrifice, teaching of the One Supreme God, and giving the Toltecs many material things of their culture, such as the calendar.

Hernán Cortés and the conquerors built Mexico City on the ruins of the once great Aztec capital. Source: Manzanedo/ Deviant Art. ( Public Domain ). In this article, I’d like to explore this myth, examining why it’s untrue, how it came about, and why both European and Indigenous people of post-Conquest Mexico came to believe in it. Found inside – Page 253CHAPTER XV White Missionaries and White Gods Spaniards as “ White Gods ” - Mexicans and an Ancient ProphecySpanish King as Quetzalcoatl - Quetzalcoatl as Man , God , and Dragon - A Peace - loving and Pious Cult - Quetzalcoatl as a ... In the picture, the woman may symbolise the Greek goddess Themis, daughter of Uranus (the sky) and Gaia.Themis, referred to as *Ma'at *in ancient Egypt, represents justice, from which the word magistrate is derived. But then it didn't happen. Some arguments in favor of Montezuma's belief that Cortez was the god Quetzalcoatl begin with the god's promise to return after he died in a pyre or sailed off in a boat traveling east. Quetzalcoatl the man not only laid claim to direct lineage to the Feathered Serpent, he LIVED the part of the deity. Men are weak, and still alone. Quetzalcoatl is the main antagonist in the first season of Legend Quest and the most powerful foe Leo and friends have fought yet by an immense margin. This is illustrated in the animation below, which reveals that the uppermost body—the one in the snake—must be the earth. But nothing happened. If we do nothing—the clock will strike the hour, and all our hopes that God’s promises cannot fail will be dashed in pieces. As the story goes, the Aztec believed in a white, bearded god named Quetzalcoatl, who, long ago, had disappeared into the east. Jordan Baker blogs about history at  eastindiabloggingco.com. This is the beginning of the legend that Cortés was being confused with the Aztec deity Quetzalcoatl. For the Aztecs Tezcatlipoca represented celestial creativity and divine paternalism. Found insideAll you need to know about the theories, beliefs, and history surrounding the ancient Mayan prophecies Mark Heley ... To link Quetzalcoatl's prophecy of thirteen heavens and nine hells to this general time period does seem broadly ... Aside from being depicted as the feathered serpent, Quetzalcoatl was often characterized as the god of wind, Ehécatl, who was shown as a bearded man. In order to answer this, let’s look again at the center, and consider the symbolism a little bit deeper. Following the snapshot logic, what must the extra moon represent? Quetzalcoatl sailed away into the Atlantic on a raft made of snakes with a promise to return on his year, the First Year of the Reed (this occurs once every 52 years). Humberto Ballesteros, “The Nahuas and Bernardino de Sahagún,” college.columbia.edu. He then graciously handed over the keys to his empire to the bearded, white god. It has also been suggested that Cortés's initial military victories, particularly the conquest of Tenochtitlan, were partially because of the fatalism surrounding the prophecy and its impact on the Aztec soldiers' morale. As illustrated, it has the appearance of two stacked digits: a 1 on top of a 3. Mark Cartwright, “Olmec Civilization,” ancient.eu.

The large crescent moon tells us that it would be shortly after the new moon, and the tongue gives us the final exact day.

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