tony godsick dartmouth

She just finished her first year as the head of the English department at Wellesley (Massachusetts) High School: “After 15 years in the classroom I still love teaching, and so far I’ve loved the challenges of leading a department of dedicated and passionate educators. Would love to welcome Dartmouth visitors to Versailles (where I live) or Paris!”. There are definitely a few kids of ’93s there. With Brandon around, I thought I would put a call out to other ’93 Glee Club members to see what they were up to. Speaking of which, this month marks a whopping 20 years from the end of our freshman year. Something fun and different—the best class of ’93 Facebook posts of the year! Needless to say, family life brings me joy and contentment in deep and abiding ways. As always, we look forward to hearing from more of you in the coming months. Marshall joined the private sector and works at Deloitte Consulting. He writes, “I run an upperclassmen boys’ dorm filled with 39 teenagers ranging from 15 year-old sophomores to 19-year-old postgraduates—and so by the time our son Bentley, now 3, enters his teens we will know all of his tricks, much to his eternal chagrin. What could be better than

Greatnews haul—keep it coming! Tony Godsick was the key man behind the negotiations in the deal involving Roger Federer and the Japanese brand Uniqlo. Then again, it turns out some of those ’94s weren’t so bad: take Tig Tillinghast, who ended up marrying wife Elise (Wellford ’94). Featuring Heidi Williams ‘03, Heid Erdrich ‘86, Tony Godsick…” We moved into this house two years ago this spring and discovered previous owners had a security alarm installed. Kari Loya didn’t let it bring him down, with his anecdotal memoir, My Top 40 at 40: Making the First Half Count (A Modern Man’s Story Collection). Eleven-year-old Jake Reynolds wants to save seal pups from the talons of bald eagles, protect his little sister Sierra and confront the wolf he is sure stalks Hidalgo Island. Why people had a crush on him? in creative writing at the University of Michigan. I’m not sure I’ll ever encounter it again.”, A few classmates spoke about meeting Dann on the first day of freshman year. She was spending the Homecoming weekend on campus with her oldest daughter; Sarah lives in Manhattan and has four kids.

Look us up if you are living (and raising kids) in New York or just passing through!”. A reminder for the newbies out there. I auditioned, got in (I think more based on the novelty factor rather than my skill), fashioned a little music stand that attached to my accordion with some clear packing tape, bought the requisite white pants in West Lebanon, New Hampshire, and there I was, the only marching accordion player in the Ivy League. When not traveling, he does consulting for application programming interface technical communication and programming through his company JX Consulting Inc. in San Francisco. On Friday afternoon I was able to stop into the rather frightening college admissions seminar. His first guests on the show were Bob Costas and Notre Dame AD Jack Swarbrick. She said she has uncovered stories and archival materials that document the lives of African Americans on a Southern plantation and their transition to paid employees for another century and a half at Sweet Briar College. Scouring the web at all hours of the night wasn't gonna cut it. So, am down in Los Angeles just searching the streets for Jan Matuska, my true love.”. My favorite from the other side of the desk: the poor young woman who tearfully discovered in week eight of the semester that my class met three times per week, not two.”, Annie Edgerton said, “Oh, man, those Hanover snowball fights were the best.” Sara Olsen remembered “great conversations with new friends who were so intelligent and thoughtful.”, Andrea Greer said that her “favorite freshman fall memory was going really, really fast at the Head of the Charles with Chip Davis, Josh Bers, Dave Cramer, and Rob Trenkamp in the lightweight 4s.”. Players' Pro Stats. —Natalie Weidener Kupinsky, 9733 Beman Woods Way, Potomac, MD 20854;; Dwight Fenton, 200 E 72nd St., Apt. The full versions of the texts are on the class of ’93 website. It’s true this place is nuts about their Steelers—and their Penguins! You can search for “mytnyc” and then for playlist “Dartmouth Class of 1993.”. Catherine Cosgrove joined Preti Flaherty’s litigation group in their Concord, New Hampshire, offices (of counsel). Because a couple of plastic tags holding the LED alarm panel on the wall had snapped off, the panel was sitting haphazardly on a table until I had the brilliant idea yesterday of using those VELCRO-like hangers to put it back on the wall to cover up the ugly scar it left when it came off. met up in N.Y.C.

And we will do another 8 p.m. for people who couldn’t make it because of Easter plans.”. For the past eight years I was the North American president of Blizzard Skis, Tecnica Ski Boots, and Tecnica Footwear.

His ability to blend absurd goofiness, humility, confident leadership, inspirational integrity and duty was a rare, unusual gift. As I mentioned in the last Class Notes, I have relocated from the East to the West Coast. Andrew Cuomo, has had a strong national presence during this pandemic. I tried the code to open our garage door. “Thanks to the incredible generosity of friends, neighbors, virtual strangers, friends of friends of friends we made our $5,000 goal! I am working with the leadership here to figure out what support systems—both academic and non-academic—students need in order to be successful, particularly in struggling schools, and how the state can help school districts put those supports in place. Little did we know. of which he would later sell to his parents and 如果翻阅每年福布斯发布的全球运动员收入排行榜,你就会发现费德勒是有史以来收入最高的网球运动员。. I hope one of the takeaways of this is the strengthening of bonds. “And it is never a good fight.”. Our 20th reunion is fast approaching and I, for one, can’t wait to see all of you. Alums in attendance included Sen. Alex Mooney along with a flurry of ’97s: Alix Baseman Aguilera, Meg Blakey Lyons, Nina Nho Shaw, Beth Landy Horak, Natasha Lam O’Rourke, Jodi Scarpa Robinson, Lynne Campbell Soutter, Morgan Soutter, Jessica Hughes and Jenna Kurowski Cerrati.

This didn’t stop a first-year student wearing a cape from jumping said fence, running right toward the fire, scaling the fence again and promptly getting tackled by campus security. Fear not, you can order it online at”. Peter is a manager at the Gotham Group. Regardless which side you land on, the stakes are big. ), but kind of lost the plot not long after graduation. Rich Lytle wrote that he and his wife, Kelly Bell Lytle ’94, have a son, Richard, who is in the class of 2024. She showed me how one should live their life. I may have pics somewhere.”. She has two 4 1/2-year-old daughters, Celine and Juliet. Glenn), met an untimely death on The Walking Dead; Pete now wonders, “Is it irresponsible parenting if my 9-year-old Max is dressed up as Suicide Squad’s Joker?” (Answer: No.

Showing as you read this now at the Hop’s Strauss Gallery is the work of Melissa Brown, who tragically passed away a decade ago from breast cancer. Staying on the Pacific Rim, Amy Tracy wrote in to say: “I’m living in Los Angeles, working for a medical company called Cranial Technologies as a clinical representative. Try it yourself: Reach out to someone back from freshman trips and see where they are 20 years later and if they can still do the Salty Dog. I’d love to hear from classmates in Boston and greater New England and hope to connect soon.”. Let me know and I will try to find out what they have been up to—to run in the June Class Notes. most talented executives in the fields of film, television, He certainly will be by our class. Reunions brought people from far away, although I think the winners are Adam and Melinda Persson, who traveled from Singapore!

The Wish Stealers introduces a new voice in middle-grade fantasy, as bright and sparkling as Griffin’s pennies. 80,000 Strong. Keep the news coming (just no hate mail please—we’re just the scribes, not any part of the admissions process), and we hope everyone stays healthy and well!

Go, Annie! A former Russell Sage dormmate freshman year and for perhaps six months or so one of my housemates in Norwich, Vermont, after graduation, Jon is now a professor of comparative literature at Penn State. She still rows and invited my daughter to join her on the Connecticut River this summer at 5:30 a.m. (I passed.). He teaches in comp lit and English at Penn State and his book, Surrealism and the Art of Crime, is out from Cornell University Press. If the college closes Lynn says she’ll continue working as a public historian and digital humanist, writing books and articles about Virginia’s past, studying centennial efforts to commemorate World War I, curating exhibits for museums and writing up her 15 years of Sweet Briar research.

Roger Federer to take seven-week break from tennis as agent Tony Godsick dispels rumours. Tracy’s other book, A Princess Found, a non-fiction story about an adopted woman who discovers she is African royalty, came out by St. Martin’s Press last July. Never done that before, so this will be the role of a lifetime, I daresay—I can’t wait!” Dave Engstrom and his wife, Nora ’97, will be in attendance. This anthology turns a critical eye on advertising, newspapers, commercial photography. Our outgoing CEO, Gail Boudreaux, is a Dartmouth ’82 and the company has a relationship with Tuck and the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy, so Dartmouth is never far away. Sorry for the short column this month. He adds: “Meanwhile my business partner and I continue to work on our track record as we build out our hedge fund that we launched this past June. I’ve been pretty much a home-mom for the past five years so it will be interesting to see how we manage to juggle a two-career, three-kid household. My daughter Alexa is nearly 11 now and has her hands full with brothers Ethan (7), Andreas (5) and Joseph (2). Nicola (Zeisiger) Mullenwrites: “I was fortunate to grow closer to Deb after Dartmouth.

In the industry for 22 years (and married to former pro player Mary Joe Fernandez), Godsick was the vice president for Racquet Sports at IMG.; Dwight Fenton, 200 E 72nd St., Apt. Today she’s the mom to three kids.”, Kudos also to Elad I. Roger Federer decided to miss the Australian Open because his wife, Mirka, opposed having to spend a full fortnight in quarantine, a leading official has claimed. Speaking of the City of Light, Somesha Ferdinand and Kadesha Bagwell send salutations du Paris: “It’s funny that we both settled in France as our first encounter was in 1991 when we participated in the Lyon language study abroad program. Since July 2013 she has served as the executive VP, with her hand in “finance and administration, human resources, information technology services and institutional research, development and alumni relations, and enrollment and communications.” Check out the full feature at She pointed Dave out to me and the love was so obvious. Lance was twice named to the First-Team All Ivy team and, in recognition of the Ivy League’s 50th anniversary in 2005, Lance was named to Dartmouth’s ‘All-Time’ football team (second team honors).

“They brought Tiger Woods into Roger’s box,” Carlos Costa told the Dartmouth Alumni magazine. 33 Johnson Lane, Eliot,ME03903; [email protected]. Rob Simmelkjaer is now hosting a nationally syndicated radio show on NBC Sports Radio, aptly titled, Speaking of Sports with Rob Simmelkjaer. The turnout by the alumnae was amazing and it truly filled me with pride to be part of such a great group of people! My son is a high school senior, so we’ll see.”. He’s currently doing a stint at a theater up north in Santa Cruz, “but they got me a rental car so I can drive back down a couple days a week and keep doing my job playing the piano at Disneyland.”. I launched a hedge fund with a good friend in early January and am working from home, so have the pleasure of seeing Henry grow every day. Adding to the surreal nature of the trip was getting a glimpse of the election while driving through mid-Pennsylvania during October of 2016: there were Trump signs everywhere. To all of you going through the process at whatever schools, best of luck! It seems like a good time to focus on career updates! Our girls, 8 and 6, are a hoot. Brandon was quite the sensation and, while we didn’t get to fulfill our dream of teaching a course arguing back and forth between film and stage musicals (no, really, we proposed this), it was wonderful to have him around.

Fantastic!”, Dan Foster also provided a great update: “Last spring I joined Lawyers Without Borders in Hartford, Connecticut, as senior counsel. SUBSCRIBE NOW. Meanwhile, in 1994, Seles introduced Godsick to two-time Olympic gold medalist and doubles Grand Slam champion Mary Joe Fernandez, whom he started dating in 1996 and married in 2000. And one ’93 has a son still in high school … The kids took ski school all day and improved their turns as well as their Spanish. At her shower, which many Dartmouth alums attended, the atmosphere was happy and full of promise for them as a family. Turns out he was triggering not the burglar alarm but a little driveway alarm that give us a heads-up when we have visitors. Thanks to Suzanne Spencer Rendahl for asking me to fill in; she should be back next month.). If I had looked more closely during my virtual Homecoming experience this year I would have seen some familiar faces, as nearly a dozen ’93s gathered with their partners and families for a reception at the Hanover Inn. It worked. The books are quite different—and my 5-year-old ate both up. We would love to know what others are doing, reading, watching, etc., during this time. And yet somehow familiar? All of this to keep you smiling—and to remind you to join the class of 93 Facebook group at I joined in September 2010 after 11 years at Audi in Germany.

), and know it’s tough sledding for us parents. I was off my junior fall but living and working in Hanover so I saw an opportunity. Documentaries at Sundance called Alive Inside: A Story of Music & Memory, about using music to help dementia patients. That sent me to Google where there are a bunch of message board postings about what to do to shut off an alarm if you don't know the code. I am commuting up to our office in San Francisco from my home in Newport Beach, California.

I’m a Canadian citizen now, and really like the benefits of the socialist government, including affordable healthcare and many parks and recreational facilities. Reunions also marked the switch to a new slate of class officers, with Veree now serving as our new president. Godsick and Fernandez have homes in Key Biscayne, Florida, and Cleveland. For field practice we would gather on Lebanon Street behind the Hop and march to the football practice fields near Thompson Arena. Give me a buzz if you’re in town:”, Josh isn’t the only one with fantastic trips on the brain. At the start all the athletic teams passed us in their floats, which gave me a primer on the athletic teams we have.

I also serve on the board of the Greater Houston Black Chamber of Commerce and as a trustee for the Ensemble Theatre, one of the oldest theaters in the Southwest.”, And when I asked what his favorite life lesson from his days on the Big Green, Carl responded, “Get comfortable getting outside of your comfort zone. Speaking of Dartmouth green football, I received a picture in my inbox of the most amazingly smiley kid holding a football with a great big green “D” on it—none other than Greg Hoffmeister’s 5-year-old son, Tate, beaming after fetching the ball after a Dartmouth extra point. Elizabeth Stanton was born in May and Gabrielle Mooney was born in October. It’s great for telling it like it really is. For as long as we have known her she was dedicated to her morning runs and Pilates classes, and had the body to show for it. Apparently, we were taken by our linguistic and cultural immersion experiences. As of now, Marshall Billingslea remains the chief U.S. negotiator.”, Andrew Baker says, “Life during the past 27 years has been interesting. She’s living in San Francisco, working for Tech Soup, where she helps develop apps for social service agencies.

“The forces that seek to divide us, the voices that sow bigotry and hate, are strong and loud at this moment.

Erik Ochsner conducted Ottawa’s National Arts Centre Orchestra in early December in a bilingual concert called The Music of Star Wars. Main Menu. She has recently been a guest commentator on such subjects as “The Global Classroom” and “Free to be Forty” [about the children’s album Free to Be…You and Me as it turns 40]. “I regret to inform that we have lost a big part of our class family, literally and figuratively.

Fortunately those difficult cases are balanced somewhat by having the gondola four blocks from the office. Andrew has 14-year-old twin sons from a previous marriage who will be moving to Texas later this summer for high school. When I’m not teaching, dorm-parenting or coaching (boys JV squash, sandwiched by two intramural sports, soccer and softball, the latter being the best coaching gig in all the land) I’m writing. Remember, if you’re reading this and want to see more Notes, the only way we keep it going is with your input so drop us a line now while it’s on your mind. Before I get too lost in the “Good Vibrations” and fully become a “California Girl,” I have some kudos to offer closer to campus. Lo and behold, when the interview turned to the writer-directors I recognized the voices of Kelly Copper and husband-collaborator Pavol Liska ’95, who have been working together since their Dartmouth days. Did you know we have an ice skating team?

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